Preguntas frecuentes

Servicios > Extras

What additional accessories or equipment can I rent?

At Quadis Rent a Car we offer you the possibility of reserving extra equipment for the reserved vehicle. We have at your disposal snow chains, baby seats, boosters, GPS navigators, and ski racks.

How can I reserve additional equipment?

To reserve extra equipment you must request it by sending an email to Our advisors will confirm availability.

What is the cost or price for extras such as snow chains, baby seats, boosters, GPS navigators, and ski racks?

At quadis Rent a Car, extras such as snow chains, baby seats, boosters, GPS navigators, and ski racks are free.

Do you offer vehicle delivery and pickup service?

Quadis Rent a Car offers vehicle delivery and collection service, prior contracting or request. Check prices and conditions with our advisors.

Can I leave Spanish territory with the rental car?

If you need to leave Spanish territory with the rented car, you must notify Quadis Rent a Car, which will indicate the countries through which you can travel based on the general rental conditions.

Can I return the vehicle in another country or different office?

No, Quadis Rent a Car only has offices in Spain.

Can I take the vehicle on a ferry?

Yes, Quadis Rent a Car vehicles can be boarded on Ferries as long as it is in countries previously authorized by Quadis Rent a Car.

Can an additional driver be added?

Yes, the rental contract may include up to three drivers.

What is the cost or price for an additional driver?

At Quadis Rent a Car additional drivers are free.

Can I purchase additional mileage?

You cannot purchase additional mileage. If there are excess kilometers, these will always be billed at the end of the rental and the amount will depend on the vehicle and contracted rate.